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Did you hear the news? We are putting our house up for sale and planning to move! It even seems surreal to write that. It doesn’t seem real yet. I don’t think it will feel like it actually is happening until we sign that closing paperwork on the new house and they hand us the keys!
While we are going to say goodbye to the house that made me “Mytexashouse”, I’m going to continue to share my love of home decor and design, as well and my rug line (and other exciting things to come!) in this new house. The house we are buying is actually not far from our current home (only about 10 minutes away) and my kids will continue to attend all the same schools (our number one criteria as we were looking). I will explain our reasons for deciding to move below, but first I wanted to explain how we got here…
We have lived in this house for the past 4 years (and 4 months!). That may not seem like a long time to some, but for our family, this was a record long stay! If you’re not that familiar with my story, my husband and I have lived all over the country and have moved over 10 times in the almost 20 years we have been married (most of those moves happened in the last 10 years). The moves were all the result of just life changes (i.e. graduating college and moving back home, job changes, needing more space as our family grew).
When we were married in 2001, we lived in Charlottesville, VA (where my husband was finishing up law school and I was teaching 4th grade). We then moved back home to Arizona, then lived in Northern California, then back to Arizona, and back then back to California again, and finally we ended up in Texas over 8 years ago when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest (crazy, I know!). That was the biggest and most challenging move of them all! We had never been to Dallas and knew no one here!
We first lived in a rental home when we got to Texas to figure out where we wanted to end up. We then proceeded to build 3 different homes in the north Dallas area over 4 year period as we searched to find the perfect home and neighborhood for our family.
Our first new build, we actually never lived in. We had to back out of the deal about 8 weeks before our close date due to the city announcing there would be high tension power lines installed directly behind our property! That was a big no for us. But we got all of our money back thankfully!
We had to live in an apartment as we built our second new home. We only lived in that house a year because we decided we wanted more space, a bigger yard, plus the school district had made an unfortunate school boundary change which effected our kids negatively.
We rented again while we built this current home. The build took over a year. I picked out every detail in our house and I absolutely loved the process. Though there are definitely things I would do differently now if I was building today (but that’s a whole other blog post for another day!).
Ultimately, while this house was everything we wanted when we started building it over 5 years ago, (and I still love it), we have started to feel as though we are growing out of it in terms of the bedrooms and storage space for my business. My mom lives with us, and we only have five bedrooms for the 6 of us. So that means we don’t have a dedicated bedroom for guests or a place for me to go when my husband is snoring! 😉 I’ve spent many a night sleeping on our big living room sofa! The new house will also give my mom a lot more storage space and more room to spread out. She currently has all of her belongings in one room and a kid sized closet. We’ve always talked about the need to move in order to expand her living space, so this move will finally allow us to give her that!
While our house is big and we have plenty of living space for all of us, we have been feeling like we need more space for storage for all my products. A new house will give us the opportunity to have a dedicated studio and decor storage space for all my products! There is a very large unfinished room upstairs that we have discussed either turning into a studio for my business or even eventually converting it into a large apartment with separate kitchenette and laundry area for my mom! Lots of opportunity to grow and create the perfect spaces for my business and my mom in this new house.
Also, I have also always dreamed of having a home with a view. Ideally it would be a view of the ocean…but you’re not going to get that in north Texas, so the next best thing is having a view of nature rather than another house.
So really those were the catalysts for wanting to move…getting a house with more space for my mom and my business and having a better lot with a view/no one behind us. The bonus of getting a new house is also that I get to show you guys how I decorate a new home from scratch!
I don’t plan to show you guys the new house until we are 100% going to get it. There are still a few hurdles that we need to get through before it will be a done deal (not least of which is actually selling this house). We have our home inspection on the new house tomorrow, so fingers crossed that goes well! But what I can tell you about the new house is that it meets all of my requirements and then some! It’s much bigger, has more bedrooms and extra storage, and has a gorgeous view! Best of all, it’s already built so we don’t have to wait a year or longer for it to be done! We plan to move by the end of November, if not sooner, depending on the sale of our house! It’s very similar in style to my home, but I can’t wait to put my own touch on it.
**If you’re looking for info on our house (brick color, paint colors, tile info etc. click here: home tour)**
2 car garage. There is also a one car garage, which also has epoxy flooring.
All product sources can be found by clicking here: liketoknow.it posts
Erin is passionate about decorating on a budget and loves to share tips and ideas! She believes that you don’t have to break your budget to have a stylish home that you love!! Her belief in having affordable, stylish design led her to create the My Texas House line of products.